08 April 2015

A Cut Above LGBT Fund Raising

Memories Pizza
Donating money to support a good cause is much more satisfying than donating money to support homofascism.

After an Indiana pizzeria temporarily closed shop and raised more than US$ 840,000 from sponsors who are fed up with gays compelling them to do something that is against their religious principles. The amount of financial support prompted several misleading initiatives to follow suit in hopes that they can fool people into supporting their twisted beliefs. Fortunately, the deceptive campaigns only managed to attract a few victims.

Kansas-based Equality House decided to set up its own fundraiser to help raise money for their lesbian, gays, bisexuals and transgender (LGBT) brethren. The program's "Virtual Pizza" fundraiser on CrowdRise is collecting money for supposedly homeless LGBT youth who have been displaced from their homes because of inherent laziness and serve-me-or-else attitude.

If Equality House reaches their goal of US$ 100,000, one hundred plush hotel rooms will allegedly be made available for one year to LGBT people who want the American Government to provide them with anything they want while they relax and enjoy luxurious amenities. After days of campaigning, the group has raised a pathetic US$ 20,000. That’s the amount of support bigoted gays are willing to spare for their cause.

It all began when a GoFundMe campaign was started for Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana after owner Kevin O'Connor and his daughter Crystal O'Connor spoke in support of the state's Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). The law, which many have supported for promoting freedom to practice one’s beliefs, allows individuals and businesses to cite their personal convictions as a defense when sued by a private party.

"God has blessed us for standing up for what we believe, and not denying him," Crystal O'Connor told Fox News.

After seeing almost US$ 1 million go to those supporting an anti-LGBT cause, Equality House – a rainbow-colored cave located directly across the street from Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka wants to get a slice of the generous pie – launched their "Virtual Pizza" campaign.

Equality House is not the only organization trying to raise money to support the LGBT coven in response to Memories Pizza's windfall. Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Fund also tried to ask for donation, but even if they all combine the collected resources, they still fell short from what Memories Pizza received.