06 August 2013

#ENDviolence Against Children

Violence against children is everywhere. But people turn a blind eye. It's hidden behind closed doors. It's invisible.

All children have the right to live free from violence. Violence which harms their physical and mental growth. Violence which holds back every society.

But violence against children is entirely preventable when people come together and say that it is not acceptable. When they make the invisible visible.

What you can do to #ENDviolence against children? UNICEF has suggested the following activities for those who are interested in getting involved:

Organize an #ENDviolence against children event, bringing children and community members together to paint, draw, make posters, record videos about ending violence and share through your schools, after-school clubs, or community centers.

Organize an #ENDviolence against children walk or flashmob to raise awareness about violence against children. Make sure you inform your local media and ask them to run special stories on the #ENDviolence initiative.

Reach out to support a child victim of violence in your community by volunteering as a tutor or mentor. Find an organization near you to learn more about how you could help.

Start a #ENDviolence against children group in your school, workplace or community to discuss local actions that can help end existing violence and abuses against children and to break the cycle of any potential future violence against children from occurring. Meet regularly - dedicate a week or a month to the issue. Tell us about it, tell local press about it, tell the world about it!

Teachers! Talk to your students about the issues surrounding violence against children and what local support is available to children who have experienced violence as well as to those who have witnessed it.

Prepare a panel discussion open to the public. Invite local experts on violence against children to talk about what local actions are underway to address it and examine where weaknesses lie and how those can be addressed together.

Be creative! Make your own #ENDviolence hashtag - put it somewhere prominent (ask a landlord or building owner to put it on a wall!), make a #ENDviolence stamp and use vegetable ink to put it on someone (your parents, your friends or simply start with YOU!), take a picture to show your solidarity and share it with us using @UNICEF #ENDviolence!

Twitter, Facebook: Share information with us about your actions, quotes and videos about what inspire you.

Tweet and retweet using the hashtag #ENDviolence.