07 August 2019

Boston's "Straight Pride" Parade Is Expected To Be A Hit

Straight Pride Parade
The Pride Month, which can mean only one thing: Finger-wagging straight people everywhere are asking, "Well, why can't we have a Straight Pride celebration?" Fortunately, they can (if they get city approval)!

The heteros have finally mobilized and planned a parade of their very own. The celebration, of course, will be hosted in none other than the world's most famous city that produces lots of championship teams: Boston.

Boston is holding a Straight Pride Parade. According to a Facebook post from Mark Sahady, an activist who claims to have obtained a permit from the city for a parade on 31 August 2019.

The parade website claims: Straight people are an oppressed majority. We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgement and hate."

Starting at the Boston Public Library, the planned route will crisscross downtown, cut through the Boston Common and then end near the Old State House. Apparently having a straight-line route — no turns, bends or corners — was a little too on-brand for Straight Pride.

Boston Straight Pride organisers are demanding "the same parade route as the Boston Pride Parade [and] the same accommodations given for the LGBTQ+ parade," including street closures and permission for parade floats.

The group have designed their own flags and logos, featuring male and female symbols, ahead of the march.

The same activists previously sought the right to fly a straight pride flag from the flag poles at Boston City Hall. Their request was denied by the city's Democratic mayor, Marty Walsh.

Despite Sahady's suggestion that permission has been granted for the march, the city did not confirm the event would go ahead.

Mayor of Boston Marty Walsh clarified in a statement: "The group planning to host Boston’s 'Straight Pride' parade has been in contact with the City of Boston, but has not yet received the necessary permits to host a parade.

"As with all groups seeking to host events in the City of Boston, groups must go through the City of Boston permit process to host events in the City of Boston."

It is expected that this version of the Parade will attract a lot of visitors and supporters from all over the world. Hotels, this early, are reporting that they are full and reservations are tight.