16 September 2021

Kansas University Student Posted A Hate Tweet Against All Americans

Hate-Filled Student
A hate-mongering student named Niya McAdoo is facing severe criticism and negative feedback ater she posted a vile attempt to retweeting the phrase "happy friday everybody. Death to america" last 3 September.

"I think that the phrase, 'Death to America,' is a triggering phrase for people. Most people have seen that phrase being said by countries outside of the U.S.," said McAdoo, a 23-year-old senior and Kansas University new student body president.

Patriotic social media users immediately jumped on her message. Radio host Todd Starnes wrote a story on his personal website. The Kansas City Star's Michael Ryan published a column about McAdoo’s retweet.

"This, Jayhawk country, is your KU student body president," Ryan opined.

The Student Senate is scheduled to take up a censure resolution next week. KU Chancellor Douglas Girod said that while McAdoo’s sentiments were constitutionally protected speech, he strongly disagreed.

"The opinions in the student’s post are protected by the First Amendment. In addition, KU is committed to its role as a marketplace of ideas – including ideas that some individuals find offensive," Girod said.

"I understand and appreciate why many individuals have found the content of the student's post offensive."

McAdoo, originally from Columbia, Missouri, grew up in a bi-racial home — her mom is white and her dad is Black. She said she chose KU because she wanted to be close to home and she knew it was a good school. She's majoring in visual art and African and African-American Studies.