07 June 2014

What Happened to the Missing AK-47?

Missing AK-47
Now it can be told. With the investigation on its final stages, the mystery of the missing 1,004 AK-47 assault rifles has unraveled. Finally we will find out what really happened.

According to the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), the missing rifles under the care of the Philippine National Police-Firearms and Explosives Office (PNP-FEO) all ended in the hands of the state's enemy: the New People's Army (NPA).

02 June 2014

Msgr. Ramirez Should Return PDAF Money

Msgr. Ramirez
I may not agree on his stand with regards to the Reproductive Health Law, but I will be the first to concede that Archbishop Emeritus Oscar Cruz has a valid point when he asked members of the clergy to return the donations when the source of fund is doubtful.

The senior bishop raised this point in an interview with reporters last 25 May 2014 after alleged pork barrel scam operator Janet Lim-Napoles was accused of giving generous donations using money allegedly stolen from the congressional Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF).

27 May 2014

Racist Singaporeans Should Be Ashamed

Phil Independence Celebration
Is Singapore becoming a dangerous place for Filipinos? It appears that way after the supposed plan to celebrate the 116th Philippine Independence Day received a lot of discriminatory comments from very racist Singaporeans.

The Pilipino Independence Day Council (PIDC) Singapore initially decided to organize a celebration at the Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza, in the middle of Singapore's busy shopping belt, but their choices received a harsh backlash from a few ‘trolls.’

26 May 2014

CA Members and Staff Awarded Themselves with Fat Pay

Commission on Appointments
Have you ever wondered how much is the salary of each member of the powerful Committee on Appointments (CA)?

If you think working with Government Corporations will entitle you to immoral and blasphemous wage rates, then you are in for a surprise after knowing that those rates pale in comparison with those received by people working with the CA.

21 May 2014

Intense El Niño Appears Emminent

El Niño Phenomenon
It’s not an end-of-the-world scenario, but it is better that everyone is aware that El Niño conditions appear to have been developing in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.

Data courtesy of NASA JPL Ocean Surface Topography Team which uses ocean-observing satellites and other ocean sensors indicate that El Niño conditions appear to be developing in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. They showed that conditions in May 2014 bear some similarities to those of May 1997, a year that brought one of the most potent El Niño events of the 20th century.