Showing posts with label Women's Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's Rights. Show all posts

01 October 2024

A Complicated Study of Women's Productivity

Women Productivity
A study in the U.S. from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a few years ago looked into how having a family affects women and men. As it turns out, it's really complicated than what was initially expected.

The study focuses on academic economists and finds that moms are more productive than non-moms throughout their careers. But having a kid at the wrong time — or alone — or having too many kids — can make a mother far, far less productive.

27 September 2024

Feminists Are Confused About Women With Sexy Bodies

EmRat Bikini
The series of photos that Emily Ratajkowski posted a few years ago of herself on Instagram, wearing a red bikini on a yacht in the French Riviera, seem to be part of her campaign of defining feminism. As she states in a pinned tweet on Twitter, "women choosing when and how they want to share their sexuality and bodies."

However, for many feminists, the aggressively sexual posturing seemed explicitly for the male gaze only. The unattractive fighters of the so-called "women equality" believes that EmRat's super sexy body only reinforce the strict set of norms long-associated with the presentation of feminine identity and female sexuality rooted not in women’s empowerment, but in what men want.

26 September 2024

"Darlington Five" Continues Fight For Women's Changing Room

Darlington Five
The five NHS nurses, dubbed as the "Darlington Five", have raised women's rights against their employers as they were forced out of their changing rooms after complaining about a trans colleague.

The group of five at Darlington Memorial Hospital launched a legal case last June alleging sexual harassment against their employer, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.

15 September 2024

Legislation Encourages Car Tech To Address Domestic Abuse

Car Technology
Californian lawmakers want to enhance protection for women who are victims of domestic abuse. They just endorsed a state proposal that requires automakers selling internet-connected cars to do more to protect women survivors.

As automakers add ever more sophisticated technology to their cars, instances of stalking and harassment using features such as location tracking and remote controls have begun to emerge.

06 August 2024

Queen of TradWives Corrected the Wrong Impression Of Her

Queen of TradWives
The name Hannah Neeleman is becoming famous and trending in my many platforms. Hannah is a Mormon influencer known as Ballerina Farm and also referred t as the Queen of Traditional Wives (tradwife).

The 34-year-old has eight children and competes in beauty pageants. Her social media accounts reference the intense ballet training she experienced at the Juilliard School and the Utah farm she runs with her husband. Onlookers frequently debate whether Hannah should be praised or criticized for the perfectly manicured life she has been broadcasting online for nearly a decade.

01 August 2024

"Tradwife" is Trending and Gaining More Followers

Tradwife Trend
Internet memes and Social media trends come and go, but few have had the consistently polarizing holding power of the tradwife.

The term, which has garnered significant social media traction in recent months, is shorthand for "traditional wife" and most broadly refers to a woman who practices conventional gender roles within a relationship. On TikTok and Instagram, however, the trend has manifested through popular content creators who've gained large followings by showing off their lives as homemakers, from their elaborate homemade meals to their 1950s-inspired wardrobes.

04 July 2024

World Athletics Finally Decided to 'Maintain Fairness' in Women's Sports

Halba Diouf
World Athletics has banned transgender women from participating in women's sports at the Summer 2024 Paris Olympics to "protect the female category."

That means all the easy work of French native Halba Diouf is all for naught, which is good. Diouf was born a male and had been illusioning to running for her home country in France, training for the 200-meter race.

01 July 2024

"Doctor Who" Actor David Tennant hit by Backlash Over "Shut Up" Jibe Against Women

David Tennant
"Doctor Who" actor David Tennant was facing a growing backlash over his swipe at British Cabinet minister Kemi Badenoch over her stance on transgender and women’s rights.

Equalities Minister Badenoch has said she "will not shut up" after Tennant suggested she should do so at the British LGBT Awards.

22 July 2022

Wisconsin SC Ruled That Trans Sex Offender Birth Name Is Valid

Wisconsin SC
According to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the fact that a transgender woman can't change her legal name because she's on the sex offender registry as a male does not amount to cruel and unusual punishment, or violate her free speech rights.

The 4-3 decision last 7 July took up 81 pages in three opinions that featured some stark differences about "originalism" and adapting law to modern times, and even sharp differences about pronoun use.

24 July 2020

JK Rowling Overwhelmed By Big Support Going Her Way

JK Rowling
More and more people are rallying to support JK Rowling. The famous author says she has received more than 3,000 emails a day thanking her for detailing her experience with domestic abuse.

The "Harry Potter" author has been at the centre of a row over trans rights following a string of social media posts in which she voiced her concerns about transgender issues and reiterated that "women has menstruation".

24 June 2020

J.K. Rowling's Transgender Stance Is Getting Popular

J.K. Rowling
Famous literary author J.K. Rowling acknowledged that she was being labeled with the term "TERF" on Twitter in her latest controversy over transgender activism.

"'Feminazi,' 'TERF,' 'b----,' 'witch,'" she wrote in response to someone calling her a "TERF," which stands for trans-exclusionary radical feminist. "Times change. Women-hate is eternal."

23 May 2019

Alabama Governor Confident With Abortion Ban Law

Alabama Abortion Law
Alabama's governor said that the new abortion ban she recently signed into law is a reflection of the high value her constituents place on the "sanctity of life," adding she doesn't expect any fallout from the controversial measure on tourism or business recruitment.

Gov. Kay Ivey last week approved the most stringent abortion law in the nation— making performing an abortion a felony in nearly all cases unless necessary for the mother's health.

20 July 2018

Actor Henry Cavill Eloquently Unpacked The "Me Too" Movement

Action star Henry Cavill’s recent comments on the Me Too movement were met with praises after the actor suggested that by going up to talk to a woman, he would risk being "called a rapist or something."

The "Man of Steel" actor spoke with GQ Australia and, after parsing through his film career and how he deals with the paparazzi, he was asked about what he's learned from the Me Too movement.

18 April 2018

This is Victoria's Secret, Not Victor's Secret

Victoria Not Victor
"Trying to be the 1st Trans model of color walk a #VictoriaSecret Fashion show. #transisbeautiful #LeynaBloom," was tweeted recently by a very unpopular trying-hard model who called HIMSELF "Leyna Bloom".

The MAN who dressed like a woman and got a pair of fake boobs begged the multi-million company and its clients to let him wear Victoria's Secret lingerie line products.

02 February 2018

Even Amy Schumer Wants To Be Relevant

Amy Schumer
So as not to be left out in the current discussion, actor and comedian Amy Schumer revealed that she was sexually assaulted when she was younger. Yup, the same Amy Schumer who lied about moving to Canada if President Donald Trump wins.

Speaking to Katie Couric on her Wonder Women podcast, Schumer said, "I’ve been flat-out raped."

19 October 2017

Hollywood's Double Standard in Weinstein And Clinton Cases

Weinstein and Clinton
Not only was Harvey Weinstein a political ally and a major donor to Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, but his alleged sexual misconduct has refocused attention on Bill's own checkered past as the tide turns against powerful men who take advantage of women.

"The question is on everyone’s lips: how could we have let Weinstein’s crimes continue for so long? Yet there’s little in the Weinstein story — the years of whispers of impropriety, the past allegations by women, the intimate connection with a party that advertises itself as a defender of women — that doesn’t apply to Bill Clinton," said Jacobin’s Branko Marcetic.

11 October 2017

Genuine Women Power Throws Support to Pres. Trump

Women's Rally
Julie Zauzmer of the Washington Post reported that one after another, the thousands of women who gathered for a prayer rally on the Mall last 9 October said that when they decided to travel to Washington for this event, they had in mind another assembly of women in the same place: the Women's March on the day following the presidential inauguration, which drew massive crowds of protesters in "pussy hats."

Those women marchers didn’t stand for them, the Christian women said.

04 October 2017

Michelle Obama Questions American Women's Choice

Michelle Obama
The former first lady of the United States Michelle Obama not only questioned, but insulted women who did not cast a ballot for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. She said last 27 September in Boston that they "voted against their own voice."

What? Did she say they should vote form somebody just because she is a woman? Is that not an insult to the intelligence of every woman who voted for President Donald Trump because of the crooked way Hillary handled her official function.

18 September 2017

A Great Woman Protected Men's Rights

For several years, male students in the United States were harassed and abused by the Obama-era Title IX policies on how colleges should handle sexual-assault charges.

Fortunately, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos came on board after appointed by President Donald Trump and wasted no time to float completely sensible reforms to the one-sided policy.

23 August 2017

Told Ya ... Women Can't Handle SEAL Training

SEAL Training
The only woman in the Navy SEAL training pipeline has dropped out, a Navy special warfare official confirmed last 11 August.

The female midshipman voluntarily decided to not continue participating in the easiest part if the course that’s required of officers who want to be selected for SEAL training, Lt. Cmdr. Mark Walton, a Naval special warfare spokesman, told The Associated Press. The Navy has not released the woman’s name, part of a policy against publicly identifying SEALs or candidates for the force.