18 June 2015

Someone Who Deserves Death

Child Welfare
Parents are supposed to love and take care of their children, whatever their economic condition in life is. There are no excuses. It is the appropriate and right thing to do.

However, this is not the case of the two children who were allegedly being beaten repeatedly by their very own father. The two victims aged 6 and 4 were shown in a video that was uploaded online being punched, slapped and kicked by a person who does not deserve an ounce of pity.

17 June 2015

Barbie Is Getting Some Heel Upgrades

Barbie Doll
Soon, everyone will see some major changes in Barbie dolls. One change that will be implemented soon involved those painfully high heels.

After more than fifty years or so of having her feet perpetually frozen at a near-vertical angle, ready to slip into any high heel at any moment, Barbie is finally getting the chance to let loose with flats, according to The News & Observer. More importantly, though, she is finally getting ankles.

15 June 2015

Fake Gay Study Retracted

The whole homosexual movement is based on nothing but lies.

This is the general consensus after a discredited paper that alleges LGBT activists can change the minds of traditional marriage supporters in one conversation has been formally retracted. The action was taken even against the wishes of one of its authors.

13 June 2015

Bristol Palin Named Somebody More Deserving

Bristol Palin
After Bruce Jenner made his debut as a trashy male in girl’s clothing when he grace the cover of “Vanity Fair”, ESPN announced he will receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at this year's ESPY Awards scheduled next month.

The award, according to ESPN, is given to individuals "possessing strength in the face of adversity, courage in the face of peril and the willingness to stand up for their beliefs no matter what the cost."

12 June 2015

Pediatricians Doesn't Support Homo Parenting

A couple of years ago, the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) took a bold step. This national medical association of licensed physicians and healthcare professionals spoke out—strongly— against the idea of homosexual parenting.

The concept they addressed concerned the argument that children reared by two individuals of the same sex are as well adjusted as children reared in families with a mother and a father.

11 June 2015

Dog Caitlyn is Now Recovering

Dog Caitlyn
The news update reported that a 15-month-old dog recently found with her muzzle taped shut in North Charleston, South Carolina, is making a "miraculous recovery" after surgery, according to Charleston Animal Society.

The Staffordshire terrier mix named Caitlyn was found last Wednesday morning on the porch of a local resident, who dialed 911 after seeing the pooch, said Aldwin Roman of Charleston Animal Society. Roman, who directs anti-cruelty outreach at the center, told ABC News today he was on the scene with police responding to the 911 call.