17 July 2015

Alleged Gay Pedophile Out On Bail

This a warning to every parent who are leaving their children unattended while they are playing in public place: an elementary school teacher is accused of sexually abusing a student in his Prince George's County classroom is OUT ON BAIL!

Erwin Magnaye, a teacher at William Paca Elementary School in Landover, was arrested on 5 May 2015. Prince George's County Police say the mother of the alleged victim, a 9-year-old boy, contacted them last February.

16 July 2015

Palestinians Whitewashed the Dreadful Rainbow Art

To emphasize a point that gay agenda is not welcomed in other parts of the worlds aside from the United States and a few Western countries, ordinary Palestinian workers whitewashed a rainbow flag of gay rights that was painted by a Palestinian artist on six slabs of the West Bank separation barrier.

Associated press identified Khaled Jarrar as the artist who was responsible for the despicable excuse for an art in an Israeli-occupied territory.

15 July 2015

Thousands of Kenyans Marched To Protect Families

Protect the Family
Thousands upon thousands of Kenyans took to the streets last 6 July to make it clear to U.S. President Barack Obama not to speak about gay rights when he visits the country of his ancestors later this month.

"We do not want Obama and Obama, we do not want Michelle and Michelle," they chanted. "We want Obama and Michelle and we want a child!"

14 July 2015

Trump is Attracting More Supporters in America

Support for Trump
To lend credit and provide empirical proof that Donald Trump is right. A new survey revealed that majority of Americans think illegal immigration is leading to an increase in serious crime in America.

According to one Rasmussen Reports survey, 53 percent of likely U.S. voters think illegal immigration raises the level of serious crime in the country, with just 5 percent saying it decreases the level.

13 July 2015

Kyrgyzstan Finally Found Voice Against Gays

Kyrgyzstan's New Voice
Last 27 February 2014, as Russian euphoria over the successful seizure of Crimea was nearing its peak, the Kyrgyz nationalist group Kalys held a protest outside the U.S. embassy, saying they opposed what they called the Western gay agenda and a recent Human Rights Watch report criticizing the treatment of gays by Kyrgyz police.

They burned the portrait of a local ethnic Ukrainian activist who had been vocal in his support of Ukraine's anti-Russia "Maidan" movement, called him a "gay activist," and called on Kyrgyzstan's parliament to take up a law banning "gay propaganda."

12 July 2015

Rate of HIV Infection Increasing Among Gays

Bading AIDS
Around the world, the incidence of HIV in gay men is increasing consistently, growing at 2-5 percent annually. Although the U.S. transmission rate declined in the early years of the American epidemic, when activists were promoting condoms and HIV was constantly in the news, in recent years rates have begun to creep up again, especially after the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender step up their campaign.

The sexual HIV transmission rate in men who have sex with men (MSM) is substantially higher than the rate seen in heterosexuals.