13 July 2016

A Sensible Post Confronts BLM With Facts

BLM Wants To Kill Cops
Finally, somebody who is aware what is happening and knows how to distinguish facts from fictions peddled by supporters of Black Lives Matter (BLM). That person is an African-American police officer from Florida who laid his heart bare in a powerful and honest way.

The brutal street reality hits officer Jay Stalien in the face every single day and he poured out his feelings on Facebook in a riveting post. He came bringing with him actual experience and has numbers to back up those claim.

12 July 2016

BLM Radicals Support Texas Shooter

BLM Supports Dallas Gunman
More details emerged after five police officers were killed while working at a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest in downtown Dallas last 7 July. They were all shot by a gunman who said he carried out the attack to revenge the two police-related deaths of black men.

Authorities have identified the shooter as Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old from Texas with no criminal history or ties to terror groups. Johnson was eventually cornered at El Centro College and police attempted to negotiate with him, but four hours later the talks failed and a robot was brought in to detonate a bomb and kill the suspect.

10 July 2016

USAF Vet Who Mentioned GOD Was Harassed

USAF Flag Raising
Officials of USAF has been moving towards a Godless society as it tries to follow orders from the top to prevent any of its personnel from even uttering the word "God" in any form of language or speech.

One USAF veteran decided to stick to his principles after years of delivering a stirring "flag-folding speech" at military and civic events. Unfortunately, President Barrack Obama's administration wants him stopped and forcibly removed after he tried to speak in an even where he was invited to ... speak.

05 July 2016

Texas Ups The Ante Against Transgenders

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
In United States, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has stepped up their campaign against special accommodations demanded by transgender students. Following the multi-state lawsuit Texas filed against the federal government a few days ago, Patrick is now working to make sure transgender students in Texas receive no special treatment at school in the meantime.

At a press conference last 1 June, Patrick announced that he will explicitly oppose the Obama administration’s guidance urging schools to respect trans students' identities. "I will be sending a letter to every superintendent in the state of Texas," he said, "letting them know that they should not move forward on the President's guidelines."

04 July 2016

Several Studies Show Transgender Are Mentally Ill

Mental Health
Many Americans are unaware that science has proven the existence of mental problems that transgender persons possessed.

For instance, a 2016 study comparing 20 Lebanese transgender participants to 20 control subjects reported that transgender individuals suffer from more psychiatric pathologies compared with the general population. More than 50 percent had active suicidal thoughts, and 45 percent had had a major depressive episode.