27 September 2016

Children of Gay Parents Argue Against Gay Marriage

Prioritizing Child Welfare
It was established before by several psychological studies that children being raised by gay parents would do more harm than good. This was proven a few months ago in a court hearing after the adult children of gay parents spoke out vehemently against allowing children to experienced what they had gone through in life.

B.N. Klein, Robert Oscar Lopez, Dawn Stefanowicz, and Katy Faust all grew up with homosexual parents. All four argued that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples would harm children by depriving them of a mother or father.

26 September 2016

Real Discrimination Means Banning People from Practicing Their Faith

Discrimination Against the Faithful
Several news reports and coverage in the United States centered on the battles over religious liberty — or "religious liberty," as many media reports term it. But what does it mean exactly?

The first freedom in the First Amendment of the Constitution regards the free exercise of religion — not freedom of "worship," as some politicians have recently tried to re-cast it. What is the distinction? Worship concerns the activity of persons, individually or separately, directed toward God. Religion is wider than worship and includes it. Religion involves a worldview, a set of principles that one holds to be true and that govern one's actions.

25 September 2016

Survey Shows U.S. Military Prefer Trump Over Clinton

U.S. Military
A new poll suggests that American troops are more likely to vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump or Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson than they are for Democrat Hillary Clinton .

According to the Military Times poll out last 21 September, the percentage of enlisted troops who said they would vote for Trump was 39.8 percent and 36.1 percent for Johnson. Clinton received just 14.1 percent support while Green Party candidate Jill Stein was 1.3 percent and write-in or other third party candidates were 3.2 percent. The poll also found 5.5 percent of the troops had no plans to vote.

23 September 2016

Hungary Will Vote "NO" To More Muslim Immigrants

Hungary Rejects Migrants
Members of the European Union (EU) are pushing back against the resolution that compel them to take on more refugees. After the right-wing populist AfD just gained fresh support with their enormous win in the Berlin state election, Hungary is the next brave nation to address the growing migrant Muslim menace.

Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s prime minister, is ensure that his people understand that they have the right to reject an unlawful order from EU. Billboards across the country proclaim that Brussels plans to relocate a city’s worth of potential terrorists to Hungary.

22 September 2016

Massive Crowd Gathered in Mexico To Protest Same-Sex Marriage

Mexican Crowd
Thousands upon thousands of marchers and protesters were mobilized last 10 September to protest against gay marriage, challenging President Enrique Peña Nieto's proposal to recognize same-sex marriage throughout the traditionally conservative country.

The marches were called by the National Front for the Family, a coalition of civil society organizations and various religious groups, and continued throughout the day from Mexico’s far north to the Yucatan peninsula.