21 January 2017

A Thieving Illegal Alien Uses Santuary Law to Sue SF

Illegal Alien
An illegal alien from El Salvador is trying his darn best to get money from the city of San Francisco by alleging that police violated the city's sanctuary city policy by turning him over to U.S. immigration authorities after he reported his car stolen.

The lawsuit was filed last 17 January on behalf of Pedro Figueroa Zarceno, 32, in federal court in San Francisco against the city and its police chief for violating his right to due process and breaking an ordinance barring municipal employees from cooperating with federal immigration authorities seeking to deport a person.

20 January 2017

Pres. Trump Gets All-Out Support From GSUSA

Girl Scouts of USA
Support for U.S. President-elect Donald Trump are pouring in ahead of his inauguration on 20 January. Various artists have confirmed their participation, while civic organizations and civil society groups hailed the term of the 45th President as a period of renewal and progress for all legal American residents.

Even the Girl Scouts of USA (GSUSA) were ecstatic to join the inaugural parade. The organization have pursued their quest to be recognized as one of the participants as early as two months ago, when the American voters decided to drop the depressing agenda of the liberals for a more vibrant and progressive platform of the conservatives.

19 January 2017

Be A Tranny And Spend No Jail Time Like Manning

Bradley Manning
Former U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning was convicted in 2013 of leaking classified information about national security activities that were later disclosed by WikiLeaks. He received a 35-year prison sentence, the longest punishment ever imposed for a leak conviction.

After his arrests, the soldier wants to begin hormone treatment to live as a female – and even plans to sue the prison service if they refuse (wow, talk about privilege and entitlement). It was also alleged that Manning wants to be a tranny because he knows that President Barrack Obama has a soft spot for confuse and mentally dysfunctional individual and he might receive some sort of accommodation.

18 January 2017

Women Knit Pink "Dunce Hat" Against Trump

Pink Dunce Hat
Liberals, crybabies, snowflakes, illegals and criminals will try to band and find some deceptive ways to fill the National Mall in Washington with pink the day after Donald Trump is inaugurated as U.S. president.

For two months, Krista Suh and Jayna Zweiman have called on people around the world to make 1.17 million pink "pussyhats," or maybe it should have been named dunce hats, for those attending the Women's March, a rally on 21 January organized with hopes of bringing attention to their petty need for self assurance.

17 January 2017

North Dakota Courageously Rejected Gay Ruling

North Dakota
Just because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that same-sex couples have the right to marry does not mean everyone will just stand idly and accept it. There is a way to fight this erroneous decision and change will definitely come soon.

North Dakota's Republican-led Senate started their campaign against special consideration demanded by the so-called 'tooth fairies' and 'snowflakes.' The lawmakers rejected a proposed measure that would have changed their state law to reflect the U.S. Supreme Court's decision.