26 January 2017

The Traitor Bradley Manning Loses His Benefits

Bradley The Traitor Manning
Former U.S. Army Pvt. Bradley Manning, an imprisoned transgender soldier whose 35-year sentence for leaking classified information and was commuted by President Barack Obama, will lose his military health benefits because he is due to receive a dishonorable discharge.

Manning publicly changed his identity in 2013 because of mental illness and perversion, the same year he was transferred from the Marine Corps Brig in Quantico, Va. to the Army's prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

25 January 2017

Madonna Should Be Charged For Inciting Violence

During the recent misguided fat Women's March in Washington, aging singer Madonna gave a particularly fiery speech during the demonstration telling them that "I dreamed about blowing up the White House."

After an unverified claim that the Secret Service is investigating her for doing so, Madonna took to her Instagram account to backtrack on her comments and said that she didn't mean what she said. That it was all a 'hyperbolic language used to describe her mood in the current political era.'

24 January 2017

U.S. Oval Office Gets The Much-Needed Overhaul

Oval Office
Change is definitely coming in the United States and it is expected to be good for Americans. Now that President Donald Trump is in office, one of the changes happened at the Oval Office.

The new look and layout was first spotted while Trump, 70, performed his first official acts as President of the Unites States (POTUS) when he signed a series of executive orders.

23 January 2017

What State Has The Most Number of Fat Americans?

Fat Americans
The United States is one of the most overweight nations in the world, where fat people just converge and consume. The US Senate Committee on Finance estimates that obesity-related health care costs over US$ 200 billion each year.

The rates of obesity in adults across the country are vastly different, however. The website Data Visualisations created a series of maps based on data from non-profit The State of Obesity outlining differences by state.

22 January 2017

Pres. Trump: "You Will Never Be Ignored Again"

President Donald Trump
Just like during the election campaign trail, U.S. President Donald Trump was all fired up in his inaugural address and vowed to take on entrenched interests in Washington, secure America’s borders, fix its infrastructure, bring back factory jobs, and wipe out terrorism.

"The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer," he promised. "You will never be ignored again."