10 April 2017

The World Approves U.S. Attack on Syria

The World Approves
The US recently launched a cruise-missile attack on an airfield and military infrastructure controlled by Syrian President Bashar Assad. This was in response to a chemical attack that killed at least 80 people, many of whom are children, in the Idlib province earlier.

U.S. President Donald Trump, who was initially resistant to the idea of becoming involved in Syria, radically changed his stance following the chemical attack and said the strike was "in the vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons."

08 April 2017

Even Sen. Bernie Sanders Blames Hillary

Sen. Bernie sanders
Supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump supporters are not racist "deplorables" and Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are to blame for November's convincing election defeat. This was the clear statement of Clinton’s defeated primary challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders during a rally in Boston last 31 March.

In a comment seized upon by the Trump campaign, Clinton famously said in September that half of Trump's supporters were "deplorables,' a comment which she almost immediately said she regretted.

07 April 2017

Damage Done By Pres. Obama Slowly Being Corrected

Pres. Donald Trump
The executive order that President Donald Trump signed a few days ago will seek to rescinded the previous order from former President Barrack Obama which forces companies that contract with the federal government to provide documentation about their compliance with various federal laws.

With the new order, companies are not anymore compelled, pushed and twisted to conform to the inappropriate measures that the previous administration is ramming down their throats such as coddling the LGBT workers. Nobody benefited from the previous order, except the few and loud members of society with mental illness.

05 April 2017

Time for Tennessee To Eliminate Gender-Neutral Definitions

Two prominent and popular lawmakers from the state of Tennessee are currently trying want to get rid of a 40-year-old state law granting legitimacy to children conceived through artificial insemination. Supporters say the bill timely and will address the abuses of gay couples on their children.

The bill would remove a single sentence applying to child custody when artificial insemination is involved, one that's been interpreted to make no distinction between same-sex and heterosexual couples.

04 April 2017

Singapore Couple Who Starved Maid Now In Jail

Singapore Couple
The Singaporean couple who starved their domestic worker from the Philippines was finally jailed, in a case that has shocked the city-state.

The woman lost 20kg (44 lbs) - about 40 pecent of her body weight - while working for them, and was given only bread and instant noodles to eat.