Showing posts with label American Values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Values. Show all posts

25 June 2024

An Israel and ICE Critic Was Promoted by the White House

Tyler Cherry
A newly appointed White House communications official has found himself at the center of a political firestorm and forced to apologize for controversial social media posts from his past.

Tyler Cherry, recently promoted to Associate Communications Director in the Biden administration, issued a statement last 23 June addressing incendiary tweets from several years ago that have drawn sharp criticism from conservatives.

28 July 2022

US SC Ruled That Public Funds Can Be Used For Religious Education

Catholic Schools
The U.S. Supreme Court made another laudable ruling after it prevented Maine parents from using the state’s publicly-funded tuition assistance program to send their kids to private religious schools.

The 6-3 decision last 19 June — the latest in a series of rulings favoring arguments for religious liberty — comes after civil-rights advocates tried to undermine secular rights.

22 April 2022

Ilhan Omar's Hatred For Christians Backfired

Ilhan Omar
Last Easter, backlash ensued over Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, after she vehemently criticized Christians for singing a worship song mid-flight.

"I think my family and I should have a prayer session next time I am on a plane. How do you think it will end?" she tweeted, alongside a video captioned "Worshipping Jesus 30,000 feet in the air!"

03 August 2021

DaBaby Makes Things More Clearer With His Truthful Remarks

Rapper DaBaby just released new video "Giving What It’s Supposed to Give" last 28 July. In the clip, he appears to address the homophobic comments he made during his appearance at Rolling Loud in Miami on the 25th of July along with adding a dose of realism.

In the self-directed visual, he holds up a sign that reads "AIDS" and at the end of the clip the words "Don’t Fight Hate With Hate" appear in rainbow colors. Underneath that, his pseudo apology reads, "My apologies for being me the same way you want the freedom to be you."

03 March 2020

Artists in Arizona Can Legally Refuse To Serve Gays and Lesbians

Caligraphy Company Wins Case
Two Arizona artists who refused to create invitations to same-sex weddings due to their Christian beliefs were within their legal rights, the US state's top court ruled last 16 September.

The Arizona State Supreme Court's decision invalidates previous judgments against the two women for violating a "human relations ordinance" introduced by the southwestern city of Phoenix to promote and push down everyone's throat the LGBTQ rights.

07 August 2019

Boston's "Straight Pride" Parade Is Expected To Be A Hit

Straight Pride Parade
The Pride Month, which can mean only one thing: Finger-wagging straight people everywhere are asking, "Well, why can't we have a Straight Pride celebration?" Fortunately, they can (if they get city approval)!

The heteros have finally mobilized and planned a parade of their very own. The celebration, of course, will be hosted in none other than the world's most famous city that produces lots of championship teams: Boston.

08 June 2018

SC Rules 7-2 In Favor of the Baker

After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, there was a thunderous celebration from all corners of the United States.

The evangelical community declared the 7-2 decision a win for religious freedom, while their supporters hailed the decision as the start of a new beginning.

15 December 2017

Mississippi Can Finally Implement The Widely-Supported Anti-Gay Law

Anti-Gay Law
Last June 2017, many Americans released a sigh of relief after a federal appeals court lifted an injunction on a Mississippi law that grants private individuals and government workers far-reaching abilities to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people on religious grounds.

The decision by many Americans and lawyers believed that it can now be adopted even during the appeals process.

11 December 2017

Supreme Court Say No Benefits For Gay Spouses

Supreme Court
An early Christmas for Americans was delivered by the U.S. Supreme Court last 4 December as it upheld the Texas ruling that gay spouses are not entitled to government-subsidized workplace benefits. This is big victory for social conservatives hoping to preserve their culture and get rid of special privileges for the LGBT.

In June, the Texas Supreme Court overturned a lower court's decision favoring spousal benefits for gay city employees in Houston, ordering the issue back to trial. That was a major reversal for the all-Republican state high court, which previously refused to even consider the benefits case after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision that the Constitution gave way to the pressure from gay couples to marry.

17 October 2017

Religious Freedom Deemed Important In The U.S.

President Trump
There is a new and very comprehensive statement coming from U.S. Justice Department calling religious freedom a "fundamental right of paramount importance," placing President Donald Trump's administration squarely on the side of religious conservatives in America’s culture wars.

The statement by Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions, with a long legal analysis by the department’s lawyers, is intended to be guidance to the rest of the federal government on how to decide conflicts involving declarations of religious belief – for example, the recent case involving a baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple's wedding. The Justice Department already has intervened in that case on the side of the baker.

17 July 2017

Religious-Objections Law Still In Effect After Facing Paltry Resistance

Mississippi Religious Law
The very popular Religious-Objections Law has been implemented in the state of Mississippi for a few weeks now. It seeks to let merchants and government officials cite their religious beliefs to deny services the very small and misguided same-sex couples.

Attorneys for the despicable group filed papers recently asking the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to block the law .

08 June 2017

White House Mum On Any Gay Pride Events

No More
FINALLY! After years of enduring the despicable promotion of of same sex behavior, President Donald Trump is breaking from tradition by not declaring any month during his term as LGBT Pride Month.

On the final day of May, the president issued five separate proclamations, choosing June to honor those the contributed to the American freedom and preserving their culture, which includes the Caribbean-American heritage, African-American music, home-ownership, the outdoors and the ocean. A forced acknowledgement of June as a historic month for LGBT people was nowhere to be found.

05 April 2017

Time for Tennessee To Eliminate Gender-Neutral Definitions

Two prominent and popular lawmakers from the state of Tennessee are currently trying want to get rid of a 40-year-old state law granting legitimacy to children conceived through artificial insemination. Supporters say the bill timely and will address the abuses of gay couples on their children.

The bill would remove a single sentence applying to child custody when artificial insemination is involved, one that's been interpreted to make no distinction between same-sex and heterosexual couples.

11 March 2017

St. Patrick's Day Parade Just Became a Genuine Family Affair

St. Patrick's Day Parade
After forced to accommodate them in the last two years, organizers of the Boston's St. Patrick's Day Parade finally had the courage to stand against the political pressure and do what is right all along. They exclude a gay veterans' group that many of the sponsors and organizers have long abhorred and detested.

The organizers of the parade, the largest marking St. Patrick's Day in the country, believed that any gay group is in conflict with their Roman Catholic heritage. They only backed down in 2015 in the face of intense pressure from the administration of former President Barrack Obama.

09 March 2017

Legit Questions To Ask Before Meeting With Muslims

Rep. John Bennet
There are several countries who are now imposing harsher laws that will discourage medieval behavior from ever being adopted in the Western World. These archaic practices are usually brought by illegal aliens that wants to impose their despicable culture on everyone.

However, one lawmaker may have found a good way to limit one's interaction from these so called fighting-age men who wants nothing more but a chance to rape and enslave women in the United States. The

24 February 2017

Trans Debauchery Inside Bathrooms Finally Ends

Women Restroom
President Donald Trump wasted no time correcting the excessive and immoral measures adopted by his predecessor after he ended federal protections for transgender students that instructed schools to allow them to use bathrooms and locker rooms matching their gender identities.

Bringing back common sense into the national debate, the administration came down on the side of states' rights, lifting federal guidelines that had been issued by the Obama administration and characterized by many as a legal overreach.

13 February 2017

To Avoid More Confusions, Mothers and Fathers Will Be Legally Defined

Mother and Father
Two Republican lawmakers in the U.S. are doing everyone a big favor by finally defining strictly what it means to be a mother, father, husband and wife in Tennessee.

They have filed a bill to establish legal clarity and define the terms based on biology, a move necessary to save the state money and time in courts where the words are legally ambiguous and subject to various interpretations by those who wants nothing more than free government-sponsored entitlements.

27 January 2017

Elite Sororities Abhor Transgender Trying To Join Them

A Northwestern University freshman in the United States, who recently came out as transgender, tried to join a sorority this month, yearning to extend her detestable lifestyle on young women on campus.

The case is unusual because the student is a transgender, born with a female body but mentally programmed as male, and already beginning to think that he really has a ding-dong. Eighteen-year-old Ms. Davies said she was drawn to the tenets of Greek life — philanthropy, bonding and leadership — but that with her changing body she might not feel comfortable living in a fraternity.

17 January 2017

North Dakota Courageously Rejected Gay Ruling

North Dakota
Just because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that same-sex couples have the right to marry does not mean everyone will just stand idly and accept it. There is a way to fight this erroneous decision and change will definitely come soon.

North Dakota's Republican-led Senate started their campaign against special consideration demanded by the so-called 'tooth fairies' and 'snowflakes.' The lawmakers rejected a proposed measure that would have changed their state law to reflect the U.S. Supreme Court's decision.

21 December 2016

Donald Trump Says "Merry Christmas"!

Thank You Trump
Finally, everything is back to normal and nobody is prohibiting anybody from saying "Merry Christmas." President-elect Donald Trump has just declared war on those who want to block the greeting and the celebration anywhere in the United States.

"Merry Christmas again," Trump said in a Thank You rally last 13 December. "Merry Christmas — so, Merry Christmas, everyone. Happy New Year, but Merry Christmas."